Elgin Park Secondary

2024-2025 Course Information

Coop Lab Tech Leadership

Peer TutoringLibrary Science



Course Code: PKG--11-G

Elgin's Co-op Program is a cohort of students that includes set academic courses, two work experiences (without missing instructional time), customer service training, completion of Career Life Connections 12 and a variety of field trips related to curriculum and careers. Instead of the standard 16 credit semester, co-op students receive 20 credits. An application MUST be submitted in order to be considered for this program. Click here to go to the form. The application process begins in grade 10 and is based on academics, attitude, work habits and attendance. There may also be an interview component to determine participants.

Co-op provides students with a competitive edge in terms of post secondary applications and employment. The work experiences, combined with the CLC 12 curriculum prepare students for post-secondary and career decisions.

    Elgin's Co-op includes Language Arts 11, Law 12, Work Experience 12 A & B and Career Life Connections 12

    Other information:
  1. Students earn credits in the co-op semester.
  2. Students receive a separate grade for each course.
  3. Students complete two work experiences in the co-op semester
  4. Students do not miss any instructional time from classes while on work experience, however, due to the fact that students will be absent from the classroom, and receiving "on the job training" during the work experience portion of the co-op program, the remaining curricular areas will be faster paced during the time the students are in school.
  5. Due to the pace of the curricular areas and the agreements made with employers, it is crucial that students maintain an excellent attendance record during the co-op semester.
  6. Holidays and/or other absences, other than on prescribed school holidays, are strongly discouraged during the co-op semester.
  7. Students interested in applying for the Co-op Programs must submit an application for consideration for admission.

Applications are available in the Career Centre and are due by February 23rd.

Laboratory Technologist 12


Course Code: YED--2A--S

(Prerequisites: Completion of Chemistry 12 at Elgin Park, Teacher approval)

This course allows students to gain valuable work experience by applying their knowledge of sciences, particularly Chemistry. It will require students to think critically as they prepare student experiments and potentially develop new experiments for all science courses at Elgin Park Secondary. This course will prepare students for university level lab work, as they work with equipment and learn about laboratory techniques beyond the scope of standard secondary school curriculum in sciences. Student responsibilities may include, but are not limited to:

  • Solution preparation
  • Assembly and maintenance of Lab Experiment Kits
  • Researching, testing, and developing new experiments and equipment
  • Providing leadership for the Chemistry Club
  • Communicating with all members of the Science Department to assess and meet their needs
  • Maintaining clean, organized, safe workspace

Students chosen for this program are expected to have high proficiency in Chemistry, have excellent work ethics and a high level of interest in all sciences. Interested students may be interviewed prior to acceptance into this course.

    By the end of this course students will have developed:
  • Proficiency in working independently
  • Proficiency and confidence working in a lab setting Leadership and communication skills

PHE Leadership 10


(Recommended: B or higher in PE 9, Credit for PE 10)

Course Code: MPHED10LDS

The emphasis of the P.E. Leadership Program is to introduce students to a variety of leadership opportunities in P.E. classes and within the Athletic Program. Students will apply leadership and organizational skills in activities such as: tournament coordination, officiating, and in the organization of school events. For example: students will receive training in minor officiating and will be expected to commit to a minimum of 30 hours of volunteer service outside of class time.

Students will be exposed to a variety of sports and games, similar to a regular P.E. 10 class, and also have the opportunity to try many community based recreational activities such as bowling, rock climbing, hiking, paddle boarding and snowshoeing. The course is open to mature, energetic students in Grade 10.

Application Process: Students interested in this course should select it; however, final acceptance into the program is dependent upon an application/interview process.

Leadership 12


Course Code: YIPS-2B--S

Are you interested in learning practical strategies that will help you improve your sense of confidence, leadership and communication skills? Would you like to learn science based strategies that will help you to be happier in school and build resilience? If so,Leadership 12 may just be the course for you! This interactive,reflection and discussion base course is focused on truly preparing you for post-secondary, purposeful gap years or a direct entry into the world of work. Society,the modern workforce and post-secondary institutions are increasingly looking for people who can demonstrate strong leadership skills, know their strengths and weaknesses and can communicate well with others face to face.

In this brand new course, you will be given the opportunity to explore, develop, and apply leadership skills within our school and our Surrey community. Assessment in this course will not include tests but rather require you to participate in self-reflection, small and larger group discussions (discussions will not be assessed for grades), planning and implementing projects and presentations. This course is rooted in the service of others. Student choice of projects will be key in this exciting and practical new course.

Peer Tutoring

(Please note that there will be a 4 day training session for Peer Tutors in June; exact dates to be announced)

Students who want to take part in the Peer Tutoring program must:

  • be in Grades 11 or 12
  • have good communication and organizational skills
  • be willing to help support younger students
  • be excellent role models
  • be recommended by at least two teachers or staf
  • maintain a C+ or better GPA
  • complete an application-please see your Counsellor

Peer Tutoring 11


Course Code: YIPS-2B--S

The most effective way to learn is to teach. Peer Tutoring 11 provides students with the opportunity to learn about teaching and learning. This course is designed for peer tutors to gain an awareness of the diversity of the student population, model successful learning and organization, study and communication skills. These skills are imperative to the success of the peer tutor and the students they support.

Peer Tutoring 12


Course Code: YIPS-2B--S

Peer Tutoring 12 provides students with the opportunity to expand on previous experiences with tutoring. This course is designed to gain a deeper understanding of the dynamic nature of the teaching process. Course work includes instructional theory and strategies, communication, study skills and organization, instructional applications and the metacognitive process. Tutors will gain further awareness of the diversity of learners and the basis of educational theory and practice.

Library Science Program

Students will be learning about how a library learning commons (LLC) works, help run the LLC, and assist Elgin Park students and staff. Students will learn how to process and organize materials, access information, use the learning commons website, and help with the technology in the library learning commons. This course will provide students with an understanding of library management, library organization, customer service, teamwork; and reading fiction and non-fiction, storytelling and research skills - skills that will carry them into their post secondary lives.

The expectation is that students work independently and in a team environment, stay actively engaged in the daily tasks of the learning commons and be personable and helpful to all users of the LLC.

Prerequisite: Due to limited space, permission of the teacher-librarian is required. Please see the teacher-librarian in the Library Learning Commons to discuss plans before registering in a Library Science course. It is recommended that students have a B in English and Math, as well as an interest in books, computers and technology, be independently motivated, and have a history of good attendance.

Library Science 10


Course Code: YCAIS0A--S

This course provides students interested in library or information related careers with an introduction to library management, research, organization, reading and storytelling, and customer service skills. Through controlled inquiry, students will develop and practice transliteracy skills and promote them to their peers. Students will also learn and practice the operation methods of the Learning Commons. Evaluation is based on daily work habits, attendance, assignments and project work, and demonstrated knowledge of skills.

Library Information & Literary Studies 11


Course Code: YCAIS1A--S

This course provides students with an in-depth study of the role of the Library Learning Commons as the learning centre of the school as it supports all members of the school community. Through supported inquiry, students will continue to develop and practice their transliteracy skills and promote them to the school community in various ways (eg. developing ideas for LC website, reading stories). Students will continue to develop their ability to promote and support access to the Library Learning Commons resources, services and programs not only to their peers but to all members of the school community.

Library Learning Commons Inquiry 12


Course Code: YCAIS2A--S

This course provides students with the opportunity to refine their understanding of the role of the Library Learning Commons in a school setting through inquiry. Students will develop the skills and maturity to learn independently as they work toward meaningful inquiry goals.