Elgin Park Secondary

2024-2025 Course Information

Home Economics
Foods Textiles

Child & Family Relationships

Home Economics


  • Foods 9-12
  • Pastry Arts and Baking 12
  • Textiles 9-12
  • Interpersonal & Family Relationships 11
  • Child Development & Caregiving 12

Foods Studies 9/10


Course Code: MADFS09--S

Course Code: MFOOD10--S

(This course is for students in Grade 9 or 10. This course alternates every year so that students are able to take it in both Grade 9 and 10 without duplication. When taken in grade 10 students will receive an Applied Skills credit towards graduation. No prerequisites required.)

Students will learn about food safety, sanitation, measurement and practice a wide array of cooking methods. Skills in planning, preparing and presenting nutritious foods will be emphasized and developed throughout the semester. Students will broaden their knowledge on nutrition by using Canada's Food Guide to make healthier food choices.

Foods Studies 11/12


Course Code: MFOOD11--S

Course Code: MFOOD12--S

This course builds on the basic skills and information students acquired in Foods and Nutrition 9-10. Students will go beyond the basics of food safety, sanitation and measurement to explore how fitness, diet, culture and consumerism influence overall health. Students will become confident at selecting and interpreting recipes and creating a wide selection of menu items. They will also explore various careers in the food industry.

Pastry Arts and Baking 12


Course Code: YHEC-2A--S

Pastry Arts and Baking is a course that focuses on more advanced skills and techniques in baking. This course will be valuable for any student considering a career as a pastry chef, employment in a bakery, restaurant, catering service, or opening a business of their own. The skills learned in this course are transferable from the classroom to the competitive service industry.

Textiles 9-12


Course Code: MADT-09--S

Course Code: MTXT-10--S

Course Code: MTXT-11--S

Course Code: MTXT-12--S

Students will supply own fabric, patterns and notions. There are 3 areas of study that will be covered throughout the course:

Sewing: Students will refresh their knowledge of the sewing machine operation and be introduced to the serger. They will complete various sample projects to develop and practice new skills. Students will also be offered flexibility of working on personal projects based on independent study and interest.

Arts and Design: Another area of textiles includes DIY crafts and does not always include use of a sewing machine. Projects may include soft sculptures, upcycled projects, holiday crafts, knitting and crocheting, jewelry making and home decor items. Students will identify various principles and elements of design from other cultures and learn about textile fundamentals.

Patterning and Costumes: Express your creativity through pattern drafting and garment construction. Students will cover topics such as figure shape analysis, colour and design, wardrobe planning, clothing alterations, natural and synthetic fibres as well as fashion history and trends.

Interpersonal & Family Relationships 11


Course Code: MIAFR11--S

This course involves discussion-based learning on the role of family in both local and global settings. The transition from adolescence to adulthood will be examined with an emphasis on family growth and development, social, emotional and cognitive changes.

Students will explore the study of self as well as relationships. Skills learned may be applied to careers in counselling, social work, health care and teaching.

Child Development & Caregiving 12


Course Code: MCDAC12--S

This course involves discussion-based learning on the role of child development and caregiving. The transition of child development from infant to adolescents will be examined with an emphasis on how to care for children at each stage.

Students will even have the opportunity to have their own "baby" where they will be responsible for caring for a computerized doll! This will highlight your ability to think critically and open your mind to new and different ideas. Psychology, in essence, is the science of "why we do what we do".