Elgin Park Secondary

2024-2025 Course Information

Language Arts
English 9 English 10 English 11

English 12

Language Arts 9 (English 9)


  • English 9

English 9


Course Code: MEN--09--S

English 9 includes an exploration of a range of texts, including those of First Peoples, and how they express values, beliefs and point of view. Students will develop an awareness of purpose, structure and differing perspectives in authors' choices within texts.

Language Arts 10 (English 10)

All grade 10 students take a course that combines English First Peoples Writing 10 and another English 10 First Peoples course. Read the selection carefully and choose a course that interests you.


  • English First Peoples Literary Studies 10
  • English First Peoples Spoken Language 10
  • English First Peoples New Media 10

English First Peoples Literary Studies 10


Course Code:

EFP Literary Studies 10 is designed for students who are interested in exploring First Peoples literature in a variety of contexts, genres, and media. This area of choice provides students with opportunities to explore personal and cultural identities, histories, stories, and connections to land/place. This course is grounded in the understanding of how texts are historically and culturally constructed. Students will work individually and collaboratively to broaden their understanding of themselves and the world.

The following are possible areas of focus within EFP Literary Studies 10:

  • Thematic study of First Peoples literature (e.g., family, humour, connection to land, resistance, belonging, identity)
  • Locally developed First Peoples texts
  • Specific First Nations, Métis, or Inuit author study
  • First Peoples children's literature
  • Storytelling in a First Peoples context

English First Peoples Spoken Language 10


Course Code:

Spoken Language 10 is designed for students who are interested in studying First Peoples oral traditions and in developing their oral self-expression and communication in a variety of contexts. Within a supportive community, students will work individually and collaboratively to develop their writing skills and create coherent, purposeful, and engaging oral texts for a variety of purposes. This area of choice will provide students with opportunities for performance and public speaking.

The following are possible areas of focus within EFP Spoken Language 10:

  • Performance—ideas include spoken word/slam poetry, poetry recitation, oral storytelling, readers' theatre, radio/podcasts/video posts related to First Peoples themes
  • Oral tradition—ideas include oratory, local story knowledge, and oral history
  • Professional applications—ideas include speech writing/presenting, proposals, interviewing, event facilitation, radio/podcasts/video posts (information items) related to First Peoples themes

English First Peoples New Media 10


Course Code:

EFP New Media 10 is designed for students who are interested in exploring the increasing importance of digital media in communicating and exchanging ideas. This area of choice provides students with opportunities to think about the use of new media and its effects on individuals and on First Peoples communities and cultures. Students will work individually and collaboratively to develop skills needed in an increasingly complex digital world as they demonstrate understanding and communicate ideas through a variety of digital and print media.

The following are possible areas of focus within EFP New Media 10:

  • Media and film studies related to First Peoples themes—ideas include representation of First Peoples in media and documentaries in the age of digital media
  • Journalism and publishing related to First Peoples themes—ideas include changing roles and structures within news organizations and how journalism and publishing can support preservation and revitalization of language and culture
  • Digital communication related to First Peoples themes—ideas include blogging, writing for the web, writing for social media, gaming, and podcasting

Language Arts 11 (English 11)

Students will choose to take Composition, Creative Writing, Literary Studies, New Media or Spoken Language. These new courses will lead into the core English Studies 12 course, as well as the grade 12 elective English course offerings. Students may take more than one English 11 course. All English 11 options are recognized and accepted by post-secondary institutions.


  • Composition 11
  • Creative Writing 11
  • Literary Studies 11
  • New Media 11
  • Spoken Language 11

Composition 11


Course Code: MCMPS11--S

This course is designed to support students as they refine, clarify, and adjust their written communication for a range of purposes and audiences. Students will read and study compositions and be exposed to a variety of styles as models for the development of their writing. They will expand their competencies through processes of drafting, reflecting, and revising to build an authentic body of work. This course may be of particular interest to students who enjoy the writing process as well as students who wish to focus on improving their level of written communication. Like all of the English 11 course options, this course is recognized and accepted by post-secondary institutions

Creative Writing 11


Course Code: MCTWR11--S

Creative Writing 11 is grounded in the exploration and application of writing processes, inviting students to express themselves creatively as they reflect on, adjust and extend their writing skills. The course provides students with in-depth opportunities to explore personal and cultural identities, memories and stories in a wide range of genres. Students will collaborate and strengthen their skills through writing and design processes. This course may appeal to students interested in refining their creative self-expression. Like all of the English 11 course options, this course is recognized and accepted by post-secondary institutions

Literary Studies 11


Course Code: MLTST11--S

This course allows students to delve deeply into literature. Students can explore specific themes, periods, authors, or areas of the world through literary works (fiction and non-fiction) in a variety of media. Giving students the choice of a range of literary topics allows them to follow their passion and at the same time:

  • increase their literacy skills through close reading of appropriately challenging texts.
  • enhance their development of the English Language Arts curricular competencies, both expressive and receptive.
  • develop higher-level thinking and learning skills.

Like all of the English 11 course options, this course is recognized and accepted by post-secondary institutions.

New Media 11


Course Code: MNMD11--S

This course reflects the changing role of technology in today's society and the increasing importance of digital media in communicating and exchanging ideas. Students and educators have the flexibility to develop an intensive program of study centered on students' interests, needs, and abilities, while at the same time allowing for a range of delivery methods. This course recognizes that digital literacy is an essential characteristic of the educated citizen. Coursework helps students develop a set of skills vital for success in an increasingly complex digital world by providing opportunities to demonstrate understanding and communicate increasingly sophisticated ideas through a wide variety of media forms. Like all of the English 11 course options, this course is recognized and accepted by post-secondary institutions.

Spoken Language 11


Course Code: MSPLG11--S

This course is designed to support students as they refine, clarify, and adjust their spoken communication. The course provides opportunities for students to study, create, write, and present original and authentic pieces for a range of purposes and audiences. They will build a body of work that demonstrates expanding breadth, depth, and evidence of spoken language genres for a range of situations. The following are possible areas of focus:

  • Performance - spoken word/slam poetry, oral storytelling, readers' theatre, radio/podcasts/video posts.
  • Oral tradition - oratory, local story knowledge, oral history.
  • Professional applications - speech writing/ presenting, interviewing, radio/podcasts/video posts, voice - overs.

Like all of the English 11 course options, this course is recognized and accepted by post-secondary institutions.

Language Arts 12 (English 12)


  • English First Peoples 12

English First Peoples 12


Course Code:

English 12 First Peoples is the academic equivalent of English 12. The course is designed to enable students to develop the English language and literacy skills and capacities they must have in order to meet British Columbia's graduation requirements. This course:

  • Is based entirely on the study of "texts" representing authentic First Peoples voices (texts is here understood to refer to oral, audio, visual, cinematic, and electronic media works as well written works).
  • Incorporates First Peoples principles of learning in the curriculum content and espouses their application in the teaching of the course (pedagogical approaches promoted include direct learning, learning outside of the class-room environment, and incorporating a recursive approach to texts).
  • Places increased emphasis on the study and command of oral language and on First Peoples oral tradition.
  • Recognizes the value of First Peoples worldview, and the importance of culture in language and communication (ex. The participation of guest speakers from local First Nations or Metis communities in learning is encouraged).