Elgin Park Secondary

2024-2025 Course Information

Career Education
CE 8 & 9 CLE 10 CLC 12


Career Education

The goal of career education is to help students reflect and identify their personal interests and skills in order to assist with evaluating the multiple options available to them and ease the transition from secondary school the workplace and post-secondary school.


  • Career Education 8 & 9
  • Career Life Education 10
  • Career Life Connections 12
  • Co-op Program

Career Education 8 & 9


All students receive credit and a letter grade for Career Education 8 & 9. Career related guest speakers and curriculum will be delivered throughout the year. Participation in and completion of follow up assignments for Take Our Kids to Work Day for Gr. 9 is required. Both courses are not in the structured timetable and require independent study and intiative from the students.

Career Life Education 10


Course Code: MCLE-10--S

Career Life Education 10 is a Ministry requirement and a pre-requisite for CLC 12. The aim of Career Life Education 10 is to enable students to develop the skills they need to become self-directed individuals who set goals, make thoughtful decisions, and take responsibility for pursuing their goals throughout life. Career Life Education 10 will also provide opportunities for students to develop skills, attitudes, and behaviours that will allow them to manage their lives more purposefully and effectively, enhance their personal wellbeing and realize their full potential.

Topics include:

  • Personal Development and Goal Setting
  • Career Research and Networking
  • Interview Skills, Resumes and Cover Letters
  • Wellness and Workplace Safety

Career Life Connections 12


Course Code: MCLC-12--S

Career Life Connections is a Ministry Requirement for Graduation. It begins in Career Life Education 10 and culminates with a Capstone presentation. All BC secondary school students must demonstrate they have met the following requirements for:

  • Personal Development - Exploring post-graduation goals and plans; understanding that developing a sense of purpose and career-life balance supports well-being.
  • Connections to Community - Lifelong learning and active citizenship foster career-life opportunities for people and communities.
  • Career and Life - Complete the required "Capstone project" to present significant accomplishments and pathways going forward.

At Elgin, students may take this course in grade 11 or 12, with the most benefit if taken in grade 11. This course will be offered in different formats: as a stand alone course, through co-op, or paired with another course as a double block option. Currently a Law/ CLC option and an Environmental Science/CLC option are available.

Co-op program


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